Community Education Programs
Lewes Community Garden is pleased to announce three free programs open to the public in 2024. All programs begin at 9:30 a.m. at the garden on Park Road between the Lewes Dog Park and the UDE wind turbine. Bring a chair, water, bug spray and a hat if you are sun sensitive. Park along the road. Be prepared to walk a short distance on hilly, uneven ground. You will leave armed with information, ideas, and examples of what you can do to make a difference.
Saturday, May 18: Home Composting and Recycling
Did you know that 25 percent of what Delawareans send to the landfill is food waste? Or that food waste in landfills produces methane, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide? Instead of throwing away your food scraps, compost them and make nutrient-rich, organic, and free fertilizer for your plants and yard.
Join us for an engaging talk about composting with Brigid Gregory from the Delaware Community Composting Initiative (DCCI). Brigid will provide a beginner’s guide to backyard composting as well as share about vermicomposting (aka worm composting) and the DCCI’s community composting program. She will share tips and tricks for managing your compost pile to prevent any pests or odors, as well as tips for explaining the benefits of composting to neighbors and HOAs. Brigid will also discuss Plastic Free Delaware's other programs and how Delawareans can reduce their overall waste and dependence on plastic.
Brigid Gregory is the Program Director for the Delaware Community Composting Initiative (DCCI), a program of the nonprofit Plastic Free Delaware. In her role, she provides food waste reduction and composting outreach and technical assistance to Delawareans. She has a long history of implementing sustainability projects and was most recently the Waste Reduction and Recycling Senior Coordinator for Johns Hopkins University where she focused on helping the university move towards being zero waste. Brigid is a proud alumnus of Penn State and University of Delaware. She lives in Wilmington with her husband and two children.
Saturday, August 17: Pollinator Gardening
Sussex County Master Gardeners will present a program on supporting pollinators. Pollinators are extremely important to us and help support a healthy ecosystem. We depend on pollinators for a large portion of our food crop and most flowering plants. Birds and other creatures depend on pollinator larva for food. Studies show the numbers of native pollinators are declining due to habitat loss, disease, and use of pesticides. Creating pollinator friendly habitats is very important and is easy to do with native plants. Find out more by attending this session and while you are there, take time to explore the new pollinator garden at Lewes Community Gardens.
Saturday, October 19: No-Till Gardening and Seed Saving
Sussex County Master Gardeners will present information on alternatives to tilling and discuss seed saving strategies for both vegetables and flowers.
Email with questions and suggestions.